Tuesday, November 15, 2011


... Sometimes I wish that I was skinnier, until I realize that I am pretty normal and beautiful just like I am. In my own way. :)

... Sometimes I wish I was heterosexual, in a sense, but that I was born that way... because I don't like the idea of my attractions changing. It would be uncomfortable. But then I realize that I would lose out on all the amazing things that my attractions have taught me.

... Sometimes I wish I was more popular and had more people writing to me, calling me, texting me, etc. But then I realize that I have to rely on myself more. And I realized that is a good thing. Post-it Boy can always count on being present with himself.

... Sometimes I wish that adoption in Utah was easier. But then I realize that with all my challenges to get a child, that baby will be more loved than any child has ever had. No one will ever be able to take away my baby since I will be its biological father. Take that Utah!

... Sometimes I wish I didn't have to work so hard. But then I realize that working hard will help me achieve my goals. A means to an end.

... Sometimes I wish that more children around the world had homes. Even a home with one father is better than none.

... But I'm always glad I am me. With all my flaws. :)

Do you have wishes? Do you ever think that challenges sometimes teach us a lot more than we realize?

1 comment:

Andrew A said...

Wishes? I have lots of those!

Sometimes I wish I had more people contacting me.

Sometimes I wish I had a 'best friend'.

Sometimes I wish I had someone to hold me while I fall asleep.

And so on and so forth. Thanks for sharing your wishes!