Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Dreaming with my eyes wide open

I hope no one who reads my posts really believes I am a Debbie Downer. Sometimes I get very discouraged. I am a dreamer---someone who loves to look to the future...

Sometimes I get discouraged into thinking my dreams won't come true.

I am waiting to hear some news, which... if positive... could help my dreams to happen.

To close, I am posting the lyrics to my new favorite cute-song of the day. It is the new song for the musical Les Miserables called Suddenly. It makes me think of myself in a year or two going to the Congo to pick up my future son... going from being childless to having a son in the space of a short time. It is sung by Jean Valjean when he goes to get the little girl Cosette, who has been abused and mistreated. He then adopts her and realizes what love is.

Suddenly I see
Suddenly it starts
When two anxious hearts
Beat as one.
Yesterday I was alone
Today you walk beside me
Something still unclear
Something not yet here
Has begun.
Suddenly the world
Seems a different place
Somehow full of grace
And delight.
How was I to know
That so much love
Was held inside me?
Something fresh and young
Something still unsung
Fills the night.
How was I to know at last
That happiness can come so fast? 
Trusting me the way you do
I’m so afraid of failing you
Just a child who cannot know
That danger follows where I go
There are shadows everywhere
And memories I cannot share
Nevermore alone
Nevermore apart
You have warmed my heart
Like the sun.
You have brought the gift of life
And love so long denied me.
Suddenly I see
What I could not see
Something suddenly
Has begun.
                -Suddenly from Les Miserables

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